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Dr?ger X-am 7000 IR Sensors 6810460
Dr?ger X-am 7000 IR Sensors 6810460






6810460 -IR Ex 0 -100 Vol% (CH4)

6810590 - IR CO2 0 - 5 Vol% - Calibration 12 Months

6810599 - IR CO2 HC 0 -100 Vol%

Dr?ger infrared sensors deliver the best-possible measurement results and are unaffected by sensor poisons. The long service life of these sensors results in hardly any follow-up costs. You can also use Dr?ger infrared sensors to take Ex and CO2 measurements simultaneously.

Low operational costs thanks to long service life

The long service life of this type of sensor (anticipated length of use ca. 8 years) as well as its reduced drift and 12-month calibration interval result in low operational costs.

Extremely precise and impervious to sensor poisons

The infrared sensor technology distinguishes itself by its high level of accuracy. Combined with the imperviousness to sensor poisons, they enable the detection of gases and vapours in a wide range of application areas.

Measurements in extraordinary conditions

Measuring explosive gases and vapours in environments with hydrogen sulphide and silicones, as well as in inert atmospheres, has no impact on the performance of this sensor.

Simultaneous Ex and CO2 measuremen

Depending on the application, it is necessary to measure explosive gases and monitor carbon dioxide concentrations simultaneously, e.g. in the sewage sector. For this, only one sensor is needed – the Dual IREx / CO2 sensor fulfils both measurement tasks. This increases your flexibility when configuring the gas warning device.

Our own design

The sensor set-up, selection of detectors and type of gas ingress are just a few of the factors that have a direct influence on the measuring performance of an IR sensor. Developing the sensors ourselves gives Dr?ger the opportunity to optimise these parameters, so they fulfil the requirements of various applications, e.g. personal monitoring, clearance measurements and leak detection.

From LEL to 100 vol. %

The infrared Ex sensors can be used for the most diverse measurement tasks: in the range of the lower explosive limit and also for measurements up to 100 vol. %. The IR measuring method can also be used for carbon dioxide in the range of 0 – 5 vol. % CO2. Dr?ger offers both types (Ex/CO2) as single sensors as well as an application-optimised dual sensor.

